Curriculum Overview
At St.Peter’s we all strongly believe that children deserve to experience childhood and all the magic and wonder it brings.
Our intention is for all children to be literate, numerate, healthy and well-rounded individuals ready for their next stage in education and for their future and the future of others. We intend for our children to be resilient and ready for the future when dealing with their next stage in education, their work place and the complex situations many of our pupils are faced with. Our hope is that our children walk away with a toolkit full of skills, knowledge and understanding plus confidence so that they remember us fondly but do not need us to hold their hand. We want all of our children to move out into the wider world ready to be courageous advocates for their beliefs, tolerant in the beliefs of others and as protectors of the planet! We want all of our children to lead successful lives and to be ambitious. All of our children are encouraged to aim for excellence and to fulfil their individual potential – academically, socially and personally.
We follow the progression as outlined in the National Curriculum. Click here for further information.
Term 1 Curriculum Overview R-Y6
Term 2 Curriculum Overview R-Y6
Term 3 Curriculum Overview R-Y6
Art and Design
Art and Design
Design Technology
Modern Foreign Languages
Modern Foreign Languages
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education
Physical Education
Physical Education
Religious Education
Religious Education
If parents would like any more information about the curriculum, please arrange a meeting with their children's class teacher or the Headteacher.