St Peters CofE Primary

Outdoor Education

Outdoor education gives depth to the curriculum and makes an important contribution to students’ physical, personal and social education. Ofsted  

Outdoor education contributes to our pupil's experience of a wondrous childhood.

Children at St Peter's will take part in experiences such as forest school, gardening, cycling, class trips and camp - not to mention the chance to explore the school's own grounds, which boast a trim trail, tree house and a secret garden.

At St Peter's we are also really lucky to have Veronika Simon from Bristol Forest School who comes in to give fantastic Forest School lessons to some of our children. They get to explore our Secret garden and carry out some amazing activities.

At the end of last year we had an amazing day learning outside of the classroom. We got to try some new things like den building, bowls and pond dipping, which were really exciting.


In Years 3, 4 and 5 children at our school have the opportunity to take part in level 1 or 2 Bikeability! During the sessions children jump on their bikes either on the playground or out on the road (Level 2) and learn how to ride safely. Letters will go out at the beginning of the year and there are limited places to sign up. 

Forest School

As well as having forest school opportunities at school, Ms Simon has also created a set of activities for everyone to do at home! 

Click the links below to watch a Forest School lesson.

Week 1 - Nature Pictures

Week 2 - Nature Spot

Week 3 - Nature Names and Fox Walking

Week 4 - Picture Frames

Week 5 - Texture Rubbing

Week 6 - Sock Puppets

Week 7 - Blind Tasting

Week 8 - Natural Brushes and Paint

Week 9 - Dandelion Honey

Week 10 - Mandala Art

Week 11 - Smell Potions