At St Peter’s C of E Primary School our intent for science is for all children to
- Develop a curiosity about the natural and man-made world around them
- Ask questions about the world and think of ways they could begin to answer those questions themselves
- Make predictions and conjectures about why the world is as it is
- Experience the excitement, awe and wonder of discovery about the world.
- Consider how to explore their ideas about the world individually and working co-operatively in groups.
- Present their scientific discoveries in different ways: through written experiments; drama; graphs and charts; presentations; illustrations and diagrams; observations and labels;
Our science curriculum builds from the new New Early Learning Goals set out in the 2021 EYFS framework. This then builds into the science curriculum as set out in the National Curriculum 2019, although certain subjects have been reassigned to different year groups to allow in depth discovery within certain topics. During the course of the year, children will develop their knowledge while experiencing a range of scientific skills as set out in the 2021-2022 Science curriculum.
Each year we will hold a science day or week providing the opportunity for whole school scientific investigations and shared learning as well as offering the chance for deep dives into certain subject areas.
Evidence of the quality of education will be collected through book scrutinies, pupil conferencing, photographs and learning walks.
Children leaving St Peter’s will be both curious and knowledgeable, knowing key facts and having an understanding about the world around them