Help for Children and Families
The 21st Century can be tricky to navigate so please checkout all the help on offer.
This page has been set up to let families know how our school can help them or where else help is available. When we work together, children flourish.
What do we mean by tricky?
- money
- housing issues
- food access
- disability, medical need or special educational need
- worries about children not making progress at school
- attendance issues
- bereavement
- family changes
- being a young carer
- poor mental health
- friendship
- online
- bullying
- and lots more...
Are you aware of Pupil Premium?
All schools receive a pot of money from the government for children on free school meals, this is called Pupil Premium funding.
Funding is not for individual children but for the school to decide how best to spend the money to help children achieve better. In our school, we spend most of the Pupil Premium money to improve Teaching and Learning so our children thrive. We also subsidise activities where we can. Did you know.....
- children entitled to pupil premium pay 25% less for school trips
- children entitled to pupil premium pay a pound less per child for breakfast club
- children entitled to pupil premium pay a pound less per child for after school club
- the school support the PFSA to run a regular second hand uniform club
- school provide spare uniform and PE kits including trainers so that all children are wearing the correct uniform and sports kit.
- school provide all stationery children need
- school loan technological devices to children entitled to pupil premium who otherwise cannot access learning at home
Do you think you are entitled to free school meals? Please come and speak to either the office or the Windmill Team.
At St Peter's we use part of our pupil premium funding to support two dedicated teams:
The Windmill Team supports safeguarding, attendance, pastoral, mental-health support and family support.
The Lighthouse Team special needs and disabilities support.
Our main focus is a continuous focus on making our teaching and learning better. To find out more click below.
Teaching and Learning Information and help about how to support children's achievement.
Self-Care Summer Toolkit - Anna Freud Mentally Healthy Schools
It's nearly the summer holidays and the end of another school year. For pupils in both secondary and primary schools, this is a joyous time. Weeks of endless daytime lay ahead to be spend in the sunshine either at home or abroad. For staff, a well-deserved holiday awaits to allow you to recharge your batteries, and indulge in much needed personal time. But as the school gates close across the country, some staff and pupils may be at a loss. The structure that holds their days together will snap, and they'll be left with little to do. Some may have issues at home, for which school is a welcome reprieve. Others may attend school away from where they live, and as such will be bereft of dearly held friendships. The Anna Freud organisation, aimed at delivering mentally healthy schools has been looking at this issue and has produced their self-care summer toolkit. If interested in looking at their resources, please follow the links below: