Report a Safeguarding Concern
We understand that you may not want to speak with a member of staff or to be identified for a variety of reasons but that you may still want to let us know what happened. In this case you can make an anonymous report using the form below.
Anonymous reports do not collect any identifiable details for you or other parties, therefore will not be investigated but help to inform our understanding of incidents within our community. However if you feel comfortable providing your name or class this will enable us to investigate further.
Pupils, parents/carers and staff can use this form to report:
- Bullying and Harassment
- Online abuse
- Safeguarding concern
- A Hate Incident (behaviour motivated by prejudice or hostility towards another person’s disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or transgender identity, known as 'protected characteristics’).
- Sexual violence (including sexual harassment and assault). This applies to misconduct against and by all genders.