St Peters CofE Primary


Welcome to Reception

Welcome Robins and Kookaburras!

 The Robins class teacher is: is Miss Westlake

The Kookaburra class teachers are: Mrs Watts (Monday - Wednesday) and Mrs Knowles (Wednesday - Friday).

The support staff are: Mrs Bidwell, Miss Brooks, Mrs Smith & Miss Mitchard


Important Messages

We encourage children to read at home as often as possible, ideally we aim for all children to read five times a week or more at home.

Please bring book bags every day.

PE is on Friday. Please ensure your child's PE kit is kept in school. From Term 4, we will be doing PE outside, please send in jogging bottoms and trainers to stay in the PE bag or send in every Friday. 

Please ensure that all clothes and personal items are labelled with your child's name so that we can return it if they get lost.

Each child will have an Interactive Learning Diary. We use to these accounts to communicate with parents and upload observations of your children’s learning. We also welcome your own photos and comments! If you have any trouble accessing your child's account please speak to one of the teachers.   

Useful Resources

Below are some very helpful links to support your child when learning their Phonic sounds and to support Reading at home. Please ask your child's class teacher if you require any additional information, we are happy to help!


At St Peter's we use Read Write Inc Phonics (RWI) to give your child the best possible start with their literacy.  By the end of Reception we hope your child is confident recognising and using set 1 sounds.

Click the image to enlarge it and view all of the sounds we teach and the special rhymes we use.

To hear the sounds pronounced correctly follow the link below: 


Key Words

We also focus on learning to read and write high frequency words. In Reception we call these 'Key Words'. Once your child can read all of the words in one set, they will earn a certificate and move onto the next set of words.

Click the image to view all of the Reception Key Words or follow the link here.


What's happening this year?

Below is a short overview of what will happen each term in Reception this year.

Term 2 Overview

Term 3 Overview

Term 4 Overview

Term 5 Overview

Term 6 Overview


Knowledge Organisers

Coming soon....

Contact Us

If you have any questions or messages for the Reception team please email us: