St Peters CofE Primary

Useful Information

***** Support Available over the Holiday Period *****

Please remember that you can also email with any worries or concerns. This email is checked regularly through out the holiday period.

Hope you all have a wonderful break. 

Ongoing Support and useful information...

Support Groups

Hawkspring - Drug and Alcohol Support

Off the Record - mental health support for young people aged 11-25 years.

Winstons Wish -  are offering bereaved children a monthly drop in session within Bristol.  However drop in sessions are currently suspended due to COVID-19

  • Drop-in session: Second Wednesday of every month, 2.00 – 4.00pm, Off The Record, 8-10 West Street, Old Market, Bristol, BS2 0BH
  • Young Grief: First Thursday of every month, 5.00 – 7.00pm. Off The Record, 1 Perry Road, Bristol, BS1 5BQ (For 13-19 year olds who have experienced bereavement or know someone who has.)
 South Bristol Advice Service - benefit and debt advice- Call 0117 9038358

Barnardos - Creating safer childhoods, stronger families and positive futures

NSPCC - Supporting children and families

Homestart - Support and friendship for families

Bristol Parent Carers for families and young people with disabilities and life limiting conditions

Our school makes donations to our local Foodbank - Carpenters Food store at the Withywood Centre Call 0117 9878400. Please talk to Ms Skuse or Mrs Grainger if you are in need of some support.

Into University - homework club at the Withywood Centre - Call 0117 9878400

Financial Support ~ budgeting and Debt Management

CAP Debt Help – Brighton & Hove CAP Debt Centre CAP is a multi-faith support service that can support anyone feeling weighed down by debt. They are a friendly team offering confidential practical solutions to debt. Please click here for further information and contact number.


FareShare South West, in conjunction with Feeding Bristol have been working with different agencies to put together this Cash First Approach leaflet. It details a wide range of different services and support available to anyone who may be struggling with money.  The idea is that they can utilise these services before reaching the point of needing emergency food support.


Bristol City Council | Seeta Patel DanceThe Local Crisis and Prevention fund can support families who are experiencing a one off financial crisis, such as a reduction in income, who are struggling to afford essentials. This support is in the form of Tesco vouchers so can be used to purchase unbranded uniform items and shoes or help families budget for branded items by purchasing food.

 Applications can be made online Benefit entitlement and charitable funding search website Local money management support 

Bristol Benefits 

Financial Difficulties & Warmer Housing Free debt advice and support

WRAMAS Welfare Rights and Money Advice Service

Food Poverty 

Bristol Quality of Life survey 2022/23 states:

  • 16% of households have experienced moderate to severe food insecurity,
  • 14% of households used a 'food bank' during the last 12 months

If you are currently experience food poverty, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Sam Grainger, Family Support Worker, or email who can assist you with a weekly food hampers and a local food bank referral.

ALTERNATIVELY, click here to see what local resources are available be to you. 


CHAS  - Bristol Housing Advice Service Free, independent, and confidential advice on housing-related matters to anyone in need in Bristol and the surrounding area. Lines are open on: 0117 9351260 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, between 10am-5pm. Email: 

Caring in Bristol For homeless and vulnerable People Phone: 0117 924 4444 The Night Shelter, 14 Little Bishop St, Bristol BS2 9JF 

Shelter Legal advice drop in and advice For housing problems. Free 24-hour housing helpline. Phone: 0808 800 4444 

1625 Independent People Charity that supports young people who are homeless

Lone Parents and Parental Separation

Relationship Support for parents and co-parents 

Bristol City Council

 Other useful websites are: 

OneplusOne - Separating Better 

Separating parents can now download a free app to help them self-manage their separation. Separating better has been created by has been created by OnePlusOne, the UK’s leading , the UK’s leading relationship and innovation charity.

The app, funded by the Department relationship and innovation charity. The app, funded by the Department for Works and Pensions, features practical tools to help with budgeting  and legal arrangements.

Parents can also use it to create a personalised parenting plan and make co-parenting arrangements that work in the best interests of their children. 

Gingerbread  for single parents 0808 802 0925  

Single Parents (SPAN) single parent action network 

Supporting Separating Parents in Dispute Phone: 0800 380 0040 

Families Need Fathers: Supporting continued loving relationship with both parents.  Phone: 0300 0300 363 

Sorting Out Separation: Helping you to make the right decisions after a break-up. Phone: 0800 988 0988. 

The Parent Connection: Hosts the programmes introduced during the SPIP, Getting it Right for children (which helps develop co parent communication skills) and Splitting Up? Putting Kids First (an online parenting plan, with skills help).  

Young Minds: Information to support children during divorce or separation. Phone: 0808 802 5544 

Pathways to Support for Bristol Parents in Relationship DistressWhy relationships matter and online resources for relationship support for parents and co-parents.

Children and Young People

 Youth Moves - free activities for children from 8 years old and above in South Bristol. Find out more

Bristol Library Service - baby bounce and rhyme sessions and story time sessions in Hartcliffe and Bishopsworth libraries. Find out more

Bike Mechanics - Rebuild a bike and keep it! 1-4pm Tuesdays @Hartcliffe Farm

Out and About - short breaks for children and young people with additional needs. If you would like more information, take a look at their webpage WECIL - Out and About 

South Bristol Childrens Centres have lots of activities at Bishopsworth, Hartcliffe and Four Acres. 1:1 and group support sessions, and youth clubs  Youth clubs, training programmes and holiday programmes Online support and advice on all issues young people may face 

M32 Youth Groups @ BDP – 0117 987 6000 – Groups for young people aged 5-16 who have parents with problems with alcohol or other drugs, to have respite, fun and explore new activities. Open to children from across the city; free transport is provided to pick them up and drop them home. Groups are Mondays: 4.45-6.45pm – twice a month for 5-10-year olds and monthly for 11-16-year olds. 

Journeyman UK  take a look at they offer support young men through adolescence while offering ongoing opportunities for time and connection with adult male role models. 

Imayla – Work with Children and Young People experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage and race inequality, and the families, professionals, and wider communities around them. Many of the Children and Young People we work with are impacted by deeply ingrained racism and are excluded from the benefits of outdoor and creative arts opportunities and experiences. 

They also offer The Wildly Different Programme – for young people aged 8-12 and their families from April-December 2021 – outdoor and creative  activities, days out and a residential trips – to make an application email: - 0758 502 8609

SARI Bristol hate crime services community based service

Educate against hate practical advice on protecting children

Mental Health - Children and Young People

Education Mental Health Practitioner

Hope, our Education Mental Health Practitioner. will be joining us from September, working long side the Pastoral Team, every Wednesday afternoons.  Please take the time to read the information about her and her role.        

"When people hear Mental Health Support Team they often think of people who are really unwell or have mental health illnesses, but this isn’t true. Everyone has mental health, it’s all about how we feel, think and act especially in response to the ups and downs of life. Sometimes we have good mental health and can cope well with life, other times we might find it hard to cope and become stressed, upset or worried more easily.

I am trained to work 1-1 with children who often experience fear, worry, anxiety or have some difficulties with their behaviour. When I do my 1-1 work, I often get parents/carers involved as they know their children best and can help them practice what they learn in our sessions. In my 1-1 sessions we play games, do questionnaires, talk about feelings and learn ways to cope with difficult emotions.

If you are a parent/carer and you think your child could benefit from extra support with their feelings, please speak to their class teacher, Ms Skuse or Miss Cheung who can refer them to me.

I will also be helping with whole school activities to promote good mental health, this might be doing assemblies, activities with whole classes, training or holding a 'reflective space' for staff, or running groups for parents. If you have an idea of something I could do in the school to support the children’s mental health please let me know, you can find me at school on Tuesdays or email me on "


OTR  (Off The record)  0808 808 9120 (Freephone - 2 till 5pm) 

Loved Squared  0117 366 0079 At Love Squared, we want to bring love to children and families’ services. We don’t think it’s enough to care a bit, you have to care a lot if you want to transform outcomes. 

Loved Squared have a Drop the Pressure telephone support line - click the flyer for more information


CAMHS Downloads, apps, websites, books, videos etc, available on this site 

Young Minds Self-help and mental health support for young people, and advice for parents. 

The Anna Freud National Centre support for trauma and attachment 

MIND YOU (South Glos) Mind You is here to help you to look after your mental health  

For information and advice surrounding mental health 02087441644 

Help Counselling for 9 to 25yr olds Families can donate as little as £10 towards counselling.  

Heart to Heart  07926314739 –  qualified and student Integrative counsellors, providing low cost (starting at £20) counselling services to individuals in the community. Adults and children from 12 upwards.  


Kooth  Online chat, counselling, journaling and resources. Support for your child’s mental health, emotional wellbeing and behaviour.

Empire Fighting Chance Mentoring and non-contact boxing 

Autism: Eating Problems and their causes      

Beat Eating Disorders We are the UK’s eating disorder charity. Founded in 1989 as the Eating Disorders Association, our mission is to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders.

Domestic Abuse for Women

Julian House A specialist team who offer practical and emotional support, information and education for children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse.

Next Link ~ 0800 4700280 Support for those experiencing abuse. Their office is open 8.30am – 5.30pm Monday – Friday and 9.30am – 1pm Saturday.

The out of hours service will be available outside of these hours.  you are not alone

Our Live Chat is now open from 10am to 4pm Monday – Friday.
If you are concerned about your safety and need help and support, please contact us and we can help.          

Help is also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on the National Domestic Violence Helpline – Freephone 0808 2000 247

 National Domestic Violence EMERGENCY Injunction Service ~ 0800 970 2027               

Victim Support  Specialist support services including domestic abuse and young victims. Phone 0808 168 9111  

Women's Aid 

Womankind Up to 50 mins to talk (phone or webchat). Trained to talk about domestic violence and historic sexual abuse amongst other issues. 0345 458 2914 or 0117 916 6461


VitaMinds Local NHS talk therapy service

Mind Ed free resource on children and young peoples mental health

Young Minds Mental health services for children

Place 2 be Mental health supporting families and schools

 Reading groups supporting mental health and wellbeing   



Guides and Brownies

St Peter's Church - Revd. Tim Godden

School uniform

National Association of Child Contact CentresFor those who need to find a contact centre.